Does this sound like a dumb idea. How about a thread for us morning guys just to get our day started while enjoying our favorite nonalcoholic beverage.:smile: News, trivia or tidbits. And yes I know it's a little late in the morning.:biggrin: Like this. What a marketing genius/scam artist. App fee and the very strong possibility that it won't ever happen. WOW! One born every minute.:happy:
Sounds good to me... not Mars, the thread. I guess private space exploration was bound to happen at some point... This seems quite ambitious though, even with the 2023 goal.
I figured there should be some thing for the early risers like yourself and Webscram and someone else I can't think of that are here in the Am.
So why is Espin Beating this Rutgers thing so much. Are they disgruntled because the B1G is taking them in. Seems alot about nothing compared to other things going on. How many coaches have never yelled at a player?
Great idea...... cnn 10 arrested so far in British soldier's killing as Muslims fear backlash........
Yeah, the new ADs allegations from 15 years ago by themselves don't seem noteworthy. But Rutgers is hiring a new AD because they didn't feel like their former was sensitive to player abuse... you can't bring someone in who has a history of abuse allegations; allegations strong enough to force her resignation. The Rutgers president hasn't been on the job for 1 year, and is likely on thin ice with this hire.
WOW. You don't want something like that starting in a place with high unemployment and a lot of people with nothing but idle time on their hands. That could be a tinder box over there.:sad:
I have deployed to Aghanistan and Muslims can blame soldiers all they want, but doesn't change fact they kill just as many of not more of their people by stealing aide, blowing schools up, and killing people trying to stay nuteral and raise a family. That will get way uglier, and no telling how ugly
is there a section devoted to the Kama Sutra or what? You'd think there'd be a crack-down on all of that.
This is pretty interesting. Goood Mooorning.
Not that it's exactly nation impacting news or anything... but it is early, early morning here on the east coast, and I figure what better thread than here to announce....
When I first saw it, I though this thread was a discussion of the "Morning Joe" show on MSNBC with Joe Scarborough and then I remembered that you guys are NOT a bunch of tools.
I thought the same thing. I figured Scarborough said something stupid and riled-up our conservative user-base.
Hey man, just because some of the numerous idiots in the news media are progressives/liberals have a habit of sticking their foot in their mouths (ie Keith Olbermann, Piers Morgan, Chris Matthews, and Anderson Cooper) doesn't mean conservatives are the only ones whose blood boils over their ignorance... to be fair and honest, I think Bill O'Reilly, Glenn Beck, and Rush Limbaugh are just as much of sanctimonious blowhards and intellectual bullies as the ones I mentioned on the left. :sarcasm: You know, Steven, for the message board's self-proclaimed PC Officer I find that to be an insensitive, entirely non-PC thing to say... ps... it's looks like I have some serious work to do to get back on pace to hit 5,000 posts by the end of the fall... I only think of this as I notice you're closing in on the big 5K here pretty soon!
If I knew how to, I would give you a few tips on how to post-pad.... But like I said, I don't know how to....